Thursday, 12 February 2015

A luxury lifestyle built on the backs of suffering employees

Dining on board Egerstrom's luxury yacht
We promised to provide our readers not with pictures of luxury, but with an update of the court case against Sea Marshals that was supposed to have been presented in court in the Seychelles today. However, we learned that Egerstrom has yet again succeeded in dodging accountability for his pathetic actions as he petitioned the court to adjourn the case. The result is that the crew of the mv Ocean Bounty will continue to endure even more hardship while awaiting a new court date. We find this behaviour abominable as this is the second adjournment he has sought so far in this case, with total disregard for the crew and their well-being. The Ocean Bounty has now been abandoned in the Seychelles for seven months.

Who cares about crewmen in the Seychelles?
So instead of an update on the case, we will use this opportunity to help you to understand the type of man Egerstrom is, versus what he claims to be. You see, Egerstrom and his family enjoy a life of luxury that most of us could only dream of. He and his family dine and frolic aboard his luxury yachts while cruising along the Riviera. They stay at 7-star hotels while Christmas shopping in Dubai. He showers his wife with gifts like luxury cars which she clearly adores.

Nothing like 7-star luxury suites!
Take a close look at the pictures posted in this article that were taken by Egerstrom himself and consider the difference between his lifestyle and the hardship his crew in Seychelles is enduring so far away from family and friends. What is most disturbing about these pictures is not that people are living a life of luxury - this is not illegal, and we at EFA commend those who make an honest living and enjoy their rewards - but what is shocking to say the least is that these pictures of luxury were taken during the period while he had abandoned his crew and left them starving in the Seychelles!

The crews' wives cannot kiss them
These actions show that Egerstrom is a callous, selfish animal who could not give a damn about anyone, and especially not about those who are in his employ. It is only due to the tireless work of the Apostleship of the Seas that these crewmen have no died of thirst of starved to death. You can read the article from "Today in Seychelles" about the situation of the crewmen on board the mv Ocean Bounty (at least, the situation of those of the crew who did not hail from the United Kingdom). While he refuses to pay his crew's wages and transport back to their families, his wife kisses the car he has presented her as a birthday gift!

We will give you a more in-depth review as soon as we have further information from the Seychelles.


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